Silicone Exposure from Breast Implantation.
What you need to know about breast implants
Microscopic Polyangiitis following Silicone Exposure from Breast Implantation.
Microscopic polyangiitis after silicone breast implantation.
Polyarteritis Nodosa Presenting as Digital Gangrene and Breast Lesion following Exposure to Silicone Breast Implants.
What you need to know about breast implants
By Diana Zuckerman, PhD; Elizabeth Nagelin-Anderson, MA; and Elizabeth Santoro, RN, MPH, National Center for Health Research
Silicone Migration: Research has shown that silicone gel in implants can break down to liquid silicone at normal body temperatures, and there are reports of silicone leakage and migration from implants to the lymph nodes and other organs.12 What happens if liquid silicone migrates to the lungs, liver, or other organs? A study published by the Royal Academy of Medicine in Scotland found that a woman with a broken silicone gel implant in her calf was coughing up silicone identical to the kind in her implant.13 This has potentially serious implications for women with breast implants, since silicone gel breast implants are considerably larger and closer to the lungs than calf implants.
In addition, a university researcher has reported that silicone stimulates an immune response, and cellular analyses indicate that these responses are associated with atypical forms of connective tissue disease.19
A study of Danish women who had breast implants for an average of 19 years found that they were significantly more likely to report fatigue, Raynaud-like symptoms (white fingers and toes when exposed to cold), and memory loss and other cognitive symptoms, compared to women of the same age in the general population.20
Despite reporting that women with implants were between two and three times as likely to report those symptoms, the researchers, who were funded by a silicone manufacturer, concluded that long-term exposure to breast implants “does not appear to be associated with” autoimmune “symptoms or diseases.” However, the symptoms they reported can be from autoimmune diseases.